Distance Sessions
Jennifer is trained in distance/remote healing and this is just as effective as in-person sessions. All the same techniques are used and healing takes place based on the proven Einsteinian model of physics. Clients find a peaceful place in the comfort of their home, and may wish to attend via Zoom although this is not necessary. Jennifer has clients all over the world, including the UK and the island of Nevis in the Caribbean. Please read below for fascinating evidential information about the power of distance healing.
Demystifying distance healing and Einstein's famous 'spooky action at a distance' article:
What is clear is that science is shifting from old school Newtonian physics (based on manipulation of matter) to a quantum physics model, based on the movement of energy.
Distance Healing Studies
In a study conducted 1992-1995 by the HeartMath Institute, human DNA was isolated in a glass beaker and then exposed to a form of feeling known as coherent emotion by groups of up to five people trained in applying this specific technique (similar to meditation). The results were nothing short of astonishing. Without physically touching the DNA, and doing nothing other than directing positive intention towards it, participants were able to influence the DNA molecules in the beaker. They also investigated different kinds of intentions directed at the DNA. This resulted in the DNA double helix either winding or unwinding, and changing shape, depending on the intention.
In a US Army study, the effect of emotions on human DNA was measured. A DNA sample was collected from a volunteer and moved into another room in the same building. The volunteer was shown specifically designed pictures to change his emotions. During this process, the DNA sample was monitored. A strong electrical discharge was monitored in both the volunteer’s cells as well as his DNA sample in another room. The reaction was instantaneous and no time delay was monitored. The experiment was repeated at a 350 mile distance with the same results.
In a double-blind experiment involving 393 persons admitted to a coronary care unit (CCU), prayer from a distance was offered to roughly half the subjects. Subjects in the prayer group had a significantly lower “severity score” based on their hospital course following admission.
In a double-blind experiment involving 40 patients with advanced AIDS, subjects were randomly assigned to a distance healing (DH) or control group. Both groups were treated with conventional medications, but the DH group received distance healing for 10 weeks from healers located throughout the US. Subjects and healers never met. At six months, blind chart review found that DH subjects acquired significantly fewer new AIDS-defining illnesses, and required significantly fewer doctor visits, hospitalizations, and days of hospitalization. DH subjects also showed significantly improved mood compared to the controls.
Researcher Carroll B. Nash of Philadelphia’s St. Joseph’s College asked 60 student volunteers both to promote and inhibit the growth of E. coli bacteria. In this controlled study, they were able to mentally influence the bacterial growth in both directions.
Jean Barry, a French physician and researcher, asked 10 people to mentally try to inhibit growth of destructive fungus from a distance of 1.5 meters in a controlled experiment. Growth of the “influenced” fungus in 195 petri dishes was significantly inhibited in 151 dishes, compared with the controls. The possibility that these results could have occurred by chance was less than 1 in 1,000.
University of Tennessee researchers William H. Tedder and Melissa L. Monty successfully replicated Barry’s experiment in a controlled study using the same type of fungus at a distance of up to 15 miles.
In an article that reviewed 61 studies on distance healing (where healing is effected at a distance through an intention, wish, meditation or prayer), the following was found:
Distance, even thousands of miles, does not appear to limit the effects of healing.
Significant effects of distance healing are demonstrated through randomized controlled trials in humans, animals, plants, bacteria, yeasts, laboratory cells, and DNA.
While distance healing appears to contradict our ordinary sense of reality and the laws defined by Newtonian science, there are several theoretical paradigms that suggest explanations for healing.
We are living in extraordinary times, where models we have used in science for 100 years are changing. New models of epigenetics, the microbiome, and quantum physics are embracing the role of energy that might explain techniques like distance healing.